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2016-08-05 · The Washington Post announced today that it will use artificial intelligence to report key information about the Olympics. The software will contribute The Post’s coverage of Rio 2016 by posting Washington Post's automated Heliograf (homegrown artificial intelligence) tool has written ~850 stories in one year, including 500 on 2016 election that got 500K+ clicks. Heliograf è un redattore del Washington Post. Qual è la sua particolarità? È un robot, un sistema d’intelligenza artificiale sviluppato da ingegneri ed editor interni all’azienda. Introdotto nella redazione del Wp on line circa un anno fa per seguire gli aggiornamenti sulle Olimpiadi di Rio, ha pubblicato in tutto 850 articoli. Heliograf bases the writing process on the use of algorithms and mixes up the keywords with content of high quality.

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Enrique Dans. The Washington Post’s Heliograf, Bloomberg’s Cyborg, and others used by Reuters, The Washington Post has used its AI-powered reporter, Heliograf, to write 850 articles in the year since launch; roughly 500 of the posts were election-related, and generated more than 500k clicks; Heliograf often covers sports, automatically writing, publishing, and sharing stories - Link Washington Post’s brand studio leverages AI storytelling tool for … (15 Jun 2018) AI in the newsroom — a mixed blessing of fact vs. compassion (9 May 2018) Bots Bring Personalization to Publishing (29 Apr 2018) The modern day news hunt (17 Apr 2018) The rise of robo-writers (10 Apr 2018) Leggi su Sky TG24 l'articolo Ecco Heliograf, il reporter-robot del Washington Post Ha scritto 850 articoli in un anno, di cui 500 sulle elezioni statunitensi che hanno generato più di 500 mila 2021-03-30 · Heliograf fue concebido por The Washington Post para escribir noticias breves sobre política y cubrir eventos deportivos. Durante el año que ha estado en activo, el robot ha publicado alrededor de 850 artículos. La mayoría de ellos, unos 500, dedicados a la cobertura de las pasadas elecciones presidenciales.

The Post is using software of its own Le Washington Post recourt depuis désormais un an aux services d'une intelligence artificielle pour écrire des articles. Baptisé Heliograf, ce croisement entre un robot et un journaliste a The Washington Post's Heliograf software can autowrite tons of basic stories in no time, which could free up reporters to do more important work. 2017-09-14 · It’s been a year since The Washington Post started using its homegrown artificial intelligence technology, Heliograf, to spit out around 300 short reports and alerts on the Rio Olympics.

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The Washington Post’s Heliograf, Bloomberg’s Cyborg, and others used by Reuters, The Washington Post has used its AI-powered reporter, Heliograf, to write 850 articles in the year since launch; roughly 500 of the posts were election-related, and generated more than 500k clicks; Heliograf often covers sports, automatically writing, publishing, and sharing stories - Link Heliograf es el robot de The Washington Post que funciona desde 2016 y que no es un reemplazo de los periodistas, como se cree muchas veces cuando se recurre a esta tecnología. “Esto no es un remplazo para los seres humanos. OPINIÓN I “Heliograf” el robot periodista que trabaja desde 2016 para el Washington Post, es un claro avance dentro del periodismo automatizado. El Washington Post lo creó con el propósito de escribir noticias breves sobre política, la cobertura de eventos deportivos y liberar de arduas tareas a los periodistas para que estos se puedan centrar en la creación de nuevo contenido.

It was first used during the Rio Olympics to provide The Post developed Heliograf to enhance storytelling for large-scale, data-driven coverage of major news events.
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Det är några av nyheterna i  Washington Post använder en robot för att rapportera om OS i Rio Heliograf är en algoritm som tar data från Stats.com istället för att sitta i pressrutan, med  Robotar tar våra jobb, utan tvekan om det. Bara under det senaste året har vi sett barista robotar, snabbmatsroboter, pizzaleveransrobotar och till och med en  Under några år har artificiell intelligens dykt upp i journalistikens värld.

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On Election Day, journalists at The Washington Post will get an assist from their non-human counterparts. The newspaper announced Wednesday morning that it will use automation to cover 500 races. Washington Post's automated Heliograf (homegrown artificial intelligence) tool has written ~850 stories in one year, including 500 on 2016 election that got 500K+ clicks. 2016-08-05 · The Washington Post announced today that it will use artificial intelligence to report key information about the Olympics.

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Det är några av nyheterna i  Washington Post använder en robot för att rapportera om OS i Rio Heliograf är en algoritm som tar data från Stats.com istället för att sitta i pressrutan, med  Robotar tar våra jobb, utan tvekan om det. Bara under det senaste året har vi sett barista robotar, snabbmatsroboter, pizzaleveransrobotar och till och med en  Under några år har artificiell intelligens dykt upp i journalistikens värld. Många medier använder verkligen AI under valkvällar eller för transkription av. Till exempel Washington post använder en robot som heter Heliograf. Den senare kan skriva korta och begripliga artiklar om nyheterna. Han ses mer som ett  Maskinöversättning (MT) är ett exempel på hur artificiell intelligens tillämpas för att lösa konkreta uppgifter med hjälp av algoritmer. Du kanske är en fan av mindre ligabaseball.

The second one is the work of Heliograf, the Post 's artificial intelligence system. You know, The Washington Post and Heliograf In the past year, The Washington Post has published more than 850 stories created by its in-house automated storytelling technology called Heliograf – although, more realistically, it may be better named in-house reporting technology because it churns out news articles and social media posts. The BBC has Juicer, the Washington Post has Heliograf, and nearly a third of the content published by Bloomberg is generated by a system called Cyborg. These systems start with data – graphs The Washington Post is expanding its use of Heliograf, its in-house automated storytelling technology, enabling The Post to cover all Washington, D.C.-area high school football games every week. The Washington Post published hundreds of stories from Heliograf, an AI program that may soon replace its human counterparts.