Synonyms: 2-BE, Butoxyethanol, n-Butoxyethanol, 2-Butoxy-1-ethanol, Butyl ethoxol, SIDS Initial Assessment Meeting 28 (SIAM 28) CAS Number Substance Name SIAP Human Health Conclusions SIAP Environment Conclusions Sponsor Contact purposes of the OECD HPV Chemical Programme. 1,1,1-Trichloroethane possesses properties that may present a hazard to the environment (acute toxicity to OECD SIDS SODIUM BICARBONATE 4 UNEP Publications Both sodium and bicarbonate are present naturally present in aquatic ecosystems. For sodium the 10th- and 90th-percentile were 1.5 and 68 mg/l, respectively, based on a total number of 75 rivers. For bicarbonate the 10th- and 90-percentile were 20 and 195 mg/l, respectively, based on a total EU RISK ASSESSMENT - [2-NITROTOLUENE] CAS [82-72-2] FOREWORD V Foreword We are pleased to present this Risk Assessment Report which is the result of in-depth work carried out by experts in one Member State, working in co-operation with their counterparts in 2018-04-25 OECD SIDS DIACETONE ALCOHOL UNEP Publications 141 FULL SIDS SUMMARY CAS NO: 123-42-2 SPECIES PROTOCOL RESULTS PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL 2.1 Melting Point < - 10 °C 2.2 Boiling Point 169 - 171 °C 2.3 Density 2.4 Vapour Pressure OECD < 1.3 x 102 Pa at 25 °C 2.5 Partition Coefficient (Log Pow) OECD … April 2007. This OECD Initial Assessment of HPV Chemicals is part of a series of OECD SIDS documents published by UNEP Chemicals to facilitate the access to information needed for health and environmental risk assessments of chemicals.[Available from, as of Sept 16, 2009: http://www.oecd.org/document/63/0,3343,en_2649_34379_1897983_1_1_1_1,00.html] A screening information dataset (SIDS) is a study of the hazards associated with a particular chemical substance or group of related substances, prepared under the auspices of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

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physico-chemical data ID: 75-59- 2. date: 06.06.2006. oecd sids Tetramethylammonium hydroxide. SIDS INITIAL ASSESSMENT PROFILE CAS No. 75-59-2 Chemical Name Tetramethylammonium hydroxide Structural Formula N CH3 H3C CH3 CH3 OH SUMMARY CONCLUSIONS OF THE SIAR Human Health Tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) is completely dissociated in the body of animals due to its strong alkaline property, forming tetramethylammonium (TMA) ion. 75-59-2: Trimethyl methylamine hydroxide: 75592.pdf: SIDS_75592.zip: 75592.i5z: 75-64-9: 2-Propanamine, 2-methyl-Primary Amines_SIAP.pdf: SIDS_Primary Amines 3.zip, SIDS_Primary Amines 1.zip, SIDS_Primary Amines 2.zip: 75-66-1: 2-Propanethiol, 2-methyl-C2-C4_Aliphatic_Thiols_SIAP_final.pdf: SIDS_C2-C4_Aliphatic_thiols_Category.zip: 75-66-1.i5z Trimethyl methylamine hydroxide (CAS 75-59-2) Trimethyl phosphate (CAS 512-56-1) Trimethylbenzene (CAS 526-73-8) Trimethylsilanol (CAS 1066-40-6) Triphenylmethyl chloride (CAS 76-83-5) Undecane (CAS 1120-21-4) Vinylbenzenesulfonic acid sodium salt, 4- (CAS 2695-37-6) Xylidine (CAS 95-68-1) EC number: 200-882-9 | CAS number: 75-59-2 . General information; Classification & Labelling & PBT assessment; Manufacture, use & exposure; Physical & Chemical A ready biodegradability test was carried out with 25% TMAOH according to to OECD301 B and GLP (Noack, 2001).

General information; Classification & Labelling & PBT assessment; Manufacture, use & exposure; Physical & Chemical A ready biodegradability test was carried out with 25% TMAOH according to to OECD301 B and GLP (Noack, 2001).

OECD/SIDS. Screening Information Data Set (SIDS) of OECD High Production Volume Chemicals Programme, 10, (1993) Species/strain/system : Rabbits CAS Number : 147-14-8 End Point : MAMMALIAN ACUTE TOXICITY Study Chemical Name : Copper phthalocyanine Oral LD50 for rabbits was established 経済協力開発機構(けいざいきょうりょくかいはつきこう)は、国際経済全般について協議することを目的とした国際機関。公用語の正式名称は、英語では"Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development"、フランス語では"Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economiques"。略称は英語ではOECD、フランス語ではOCDE。 本部事務局はパリ16区の旧ラ・ミュエット宮殿 OECD SIDS N,N-DIMETH YLACETAMIDE (DMAC) UNEP PUBLICATIONS 3 SIDS INITIAL ASSESSMENT PROFILE CAS No. 127-19-5 Chemical Name N,N-Dimethylacetamide (DMAC) Structural Formula CH 3CON(CH 3) 2 RECOMMENDATIONS The chemical is currently of low priority for further work.

OECD SIDS initial assessment of HPV chemicals .

The concentration of the test substance at the beginning of the test was 90 mg/L (corresponding with 22.5 mg TMAOH/L). 75-59-2: 91.2 − 225: Tetrasodium monosilicate hydrate OECD SIDS Initial Assessment Profile, Iron salts category, 2007.
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The OECD provides statistical data and policy analysis on concessional finance to Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) to enhance access to and quality of development finance to countries most in need, and to support the development of financial instruments and approaches that are tailored to countries’ Alternately, the OECD assessment summaries and evaluation may be used if the applicant seeking use of the summaries has either (1) received permission from the data owner to use the summaries and evaluation in lieu of the original data; (2) compensated the data owner if mandatory compensation is required; or (3) uses/submits the information after the period of protection for the proprietary data has expired. 206, 1484 126 75525 Methane, nitro- Y 522 127 75547 SIDS Silane, dichloromethyl- Y 297 128 75569 SIDS Oxirane, methyl- Y 56 15 192 129 75570 Tetramethylammonium chloride 1099 130 75592 SIDS Trimethyl methylamine hydroxide Y 131 75638 Methane, bromotrifluoro- Y 837 132 75649 SIDS 2-Propanamine, 2-methyl- Y 133 75650 2-Propanol, 2-methyl- Y 65 7 114 134 75661 SIDS 2-Propanethiol, 2-methyl- Y 19 135 75683 SIDS Ethane, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro- Y 139 643 136 75694 Methane, trichlorofluoro- Y 113 47 OECD/SIDS. Screening Information Data Set (SIDS) of OECD High Production Volume Chemicals Programme, 4, (1993) IRPTC Data Profile . 100 Mammalian Acute Toxicity OECD's Work on Co-operating in the Investigation of High Production Volume Chemicals - List of all chemicals.

A list of HPV chemicals serves as an overall priority list, from Looking for online definition of OECD/SIDS or what OECD/SIDS stands for? OECD/SIDS is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of … Select the themes that interest you and the next time you login to My OECD, your personal home page will present all the news and events and documentation strictly related to the themes you selected. You can also decide if you wish to receive free e-mail alerts (OECDdirect) informing you of free newsletters, new statistics and publications pertaining to your selected themes.
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Wikipedias text är OECD 高生産量化学物質点検プログラムからOECD 化学物質共同評価プログラムへ 化学生物総合管理 第8 巻第2 号 (2012.12) 173-232頁 連絡先:〒158-8501 世田谷区上用賀 1-18-1 E-mail: hirose@nihs.go.jp 受付日:2012 年12 月7 日 受理日:2012 年12 月28 日 1. はじめに OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development PIC Prior Informed Consent POPs Persistent Organic Pollutants PTS Persistent Toxic Substances RDI Resource Development International SP Spectro-Photometer STN Scientific and Technical Information Network TLC Thin Layer Chromatography UN United Nations SIDS’ economies are very open to trade and reliance on a handful of trading partners exposes them to “trade fragilities” SIDS are more open to trade than other developing countries, as signalled by a relatively higher share of trade in GDP (100.5% vs. 78.2% in 2000-15), in part due the small size of their domestic markets.

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The OECD has intensified its work on “countries most in need”, with a view to maximising the full potential of development finance, particularly of scarce official development assistance (ODA), since the 2014 OECD … OECD SIDS 3,4-DIHYDRO-2-METHOXY-2H-PYRAN 6 UNEP PUBLICATIONS SIDS Initial Assessment Report 1 IDENTITY 1.1 Identification of the Substance CAS Number: 4454-05-1 Chemical Name: 3,4-dihydro-2-methoxy-2H-pyran Molecular Formula: C6 H10 O2 Structural Formula: O O Molecular Weight: 114.14 g/mol Synonyms: 2,3-Dihydro-2-methoxy-4H-pyran OECD SIDS ε-CAPROLACTAM UNEP Publications 29 FULL SIDS SUMMARY CAS NO:105-60-2 SPECIES PROTOCOL RESULTS PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL 2.1 Melting Point 69.2 °C 2.2 Boiling Point 270.8°C at 1013.25 hPa 2.3 Density 1.014 g/cm3 at 80°C 2.4 Vapour Pressure measured 79/831/EWG 0.13 Pa at 20°C 2.5 Partition Coefficient (Log Pow) 1998-03-16 High production volume chemicals (HPV chemicals) are produced or imported into the United States in quantities of 1 million pounds or 500 tons per year. In OECD countries, HPV chemicals are defined as being produced at levels greater than 1,000 metric tons per producer/importer per year in at least one member country/region. A list of HPV chemicals serves as an overall priority list, from Looking for online definition of OECD/SIDS or what OECD/SIDS stands for? OECD/SIDS is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of … Select the themes that interest you and the next time you login to My OECD, your personal home page will present all the news and events and documentation strictly related to the themes you selected. You can also decide if you wish to receive free e-mail alerts (OECDdirect) informing you of free newsletters, new statistics and publications pertaining to your selected themes.

Se hela listan på fr.wikipedia.org Accordingly, test results of the HPV/ICCA SIDS programme of the OECD will be taken into account to reduce the number of tests to be performed in the EU. eur-lex.europa.eu Dit betekent dat rekening zal worden gehouden met de SIDStestresultaten van het HPV/ICCA-programma van de OESO om het aantal in de EU uit te voeren tests te beperken. ACI Science chemicalwatch.com Norway (red), OECD - Average (black) Boys Mean score 2018 Norway (red), OECD - Average (black) Science performance (PISA) Indicator: 485 Boys Mean score 2018 Norway Mean score: Boys Mean score 2006-2018 Norway (red), OECD - Average (black) Boys Mean score 2018 Norway (red), OECD - Average (black) Youth not in employment, education or training OECD Observer, an award-winning magazine launched in 1962. The magazine appeared six times a year until 2010, and became quarterly in 2011 with the introduction of the OECD Yearbook, launched for the 50th anniversary of the organisation. The online and mobile editions are updated regularly. MyOECD Account. This form allows you to : Create your MyOECD account (to personalise your experience on OECD’s Internet site and elect to receive e-mail alerts as new OECD information of interest to you become available).

For sodium the 10th- and 90th-percentile were 1.5 and 68 mg/l, respectively, based on a total number of 75 rivers. For bicarbonate the 10th- and 90-percentile were 20 and 195 mg/l, respectively, based on a total EU RISK ASSESSMENT - [2-NITROTOLUENE] CAS [82-72-2] FOREWORD V Foreword We are pleased to present this Risk Assessment Report which is the result of in-depth work carried out by experts in one Member State, working in co-operation with their counterparts in 2018-04-25 OECD SIDS DIACETONE ALCOHOL UNEP Publications 141 FULL SIDS SUMMARY CAS NO: 123-42-2 SPECIES PROTOCOL RESULTS PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL 2.1 Melting Point < - 10 °C 2.2 Boiling Point 169 - 171 °C 2.3 Density 2.4 Vapour Pressure OECD < 1.3 x 102 Pa at 25 °C 2.5 Partition Coefficient (Log Pow) OECD … April 2007. This OECD Initial Assessment of HPV Chemicals is part of a series of OECD SIDS documents published by UNEP Chemicals to facilitate the access to information needed for health and environmental risk assessments of chemicals.[Available from, as of Sept 16, 2009: http://www.oecd.org/document/63/0,3343,en_2649_34379_1897983_1_1_1_1,00.html] A screening information dataset (SIDS) is a study of the hazards associated with a particular chemical substance or group of related substances, prepared under the auspices of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The substances studied are high production volume (HPV) chemicals, which are manufactured or imported in quantities of more than 1000 tonnes per year for OECD SIDS AMINE OXIDES 1 .