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Your character moves automatically forward - all you have to do is control your left and right movement and your jumps. Der französische Riesenerfolg für 1-4 Spieler ist jetzt bei uns auch in Deutschland verfügbar! Regeln auf Deutsch sind inbegriffen.
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You can rotate clusters around the axes. Click on the cluster to choose it.
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This game is currently blocked due to the new privacy regulation and isn't currently controlling it. In order for you to continue playing this game, you'll need to click "accept" in the banner below. Clustertruck is an awesome agility based game with intense jumping gameplay. You must jump from one truck to the next and avoid falling to the ground - this might sound easy but timing is key and you must jump quickly and effectively to land on the next truck. Your character moves automatically forward - all you have to do is control your left and right movement and your jumps.