Taqiyyah – Det är tillåtet att ljuga enligt Islam - Answering Islam
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The sect they always support and back, because both of them are against the Only existing incorruptible and unchangeable Holy Book on the face of the earth. Here, you will also find the links to the most visited sections of IslamiCity, such as Prayer times, Hijri Converter, Phonetic Search, Quran Section, IslamiCity Bazar and more. Login & Login Status. If you need a Login or Registeration, this is your starting point.
Whoso disbelieveth in Allah after his belief - save him who is forced thereto and whose heart is still content with the Faith - but whoso findeth ease in disbelief: On them is wrath from Allah. Quran 3:54, og Quran 8:30; "Allah is the most accomplished liar and deceiver." [ Allah is the most capable of schemers ( plotter, intrigue maker , conspirators ) Translated : A Schemer is the same as a plotter and is a person who secretly planning with others to do something illegal or wrong. Since the Holy Quran is the most comprehensive and perfected code for humanity, it accommodates all categories of believers. Taqiyya is not a tool to spread Islam. The orientalist Stefan Wimmer says that Taqiyya is not a tool to deceive non-Muslims and spread Islam, but instead, a defensive mechanism to save one’s life when it is in great danger. "al-Taqiyya is the uttering of the tongue, while the heart is comfortable with faith." Note: The meaning is that the tongue is permitted to utter anything in a time of need, as long as the heart is not affected; and one is still comfortable with faith. "For those in the West, taqiyya is used to" is sourced to various Quran verses.
Taqiyya (also spelled taqiya, taqiyah, or taqiyyah) is a form of Islamic deception. The Quran (16:106 and 3:28) allows Muslims to lie in order to protect themselves or to protect the Muslim community.
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Protecting the Muslim community, however, involves lying about jihad and portraying Islam as a religion of peace. Mukaram states, "Taqiyya was used as a way to fend off danger from the Muslims, especially in critical times and when their borders were exposed to wars with the Byzantines and, afterwards, to the raids [crusades] of the Franks and others." Taqiyya in Qur'anic Revelation. The Qur'an itself is further testimony to taqiyya. See our article on Taqiyya for a list of Quran verses, Hadith and episodes from Muhammad's life that are often used to justify deception.
Lying is a virtue for mohammedans Petterssons gör Sverige
تقية — букв. благоразумие, осмотрительность, осторожность) — исламский С. http://slovar-islam.ru/books/T.html#Takiya18. Гогиберидзе Г. How Taqiyya Alters Islam's Rules of War // Middle East Quarterly (англ.)рус “Any one who, after accepting Faith in Allah, utters unbelief, EXCEPT under compulsion, his heart remaining firm in faith — but such as open their breast to The Prophet. Muhammad himself could not examine directly whether or not Ammar bin Yasir was being honest. Moreover, Allah and Islam do not allow hypocrisy Taqiyya (also spelled taqiya or taqiyyah) is lying to advance or protect Islam ( taqiyya literally means "prevention"). Muslims justify taqiyya from the Quran, other Stressed by Shii Muslims, who have been subject to periodic persecution by the Sunni majority.
It does not explain what "For those in the West" means, and I'm sure the Quran verses don't make any such distinction.
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He who doesn’t practice al-Taqiyya, doesn’t practice his religion.” He is one of the highest and most respected authorities in all of Islam. All that matters is what Allah (via the Quran) and his prophet Muhammad.
Find the Although the word taqiyya is related to the Arabic word. 2011-03-24 OPINION Sigurd Vedal, VD för VictoriaMilan-en dejtingsajt för gifta-inför Debatt: OTROHET Vår dejtingsajt är inte till för att fördöma
There's a tremendous difference between the relationship of Christianity to the K.K.K. and the relationship of Islam to Muslim terrorists. The difference is this:
Aje Carlbom, docent i socialantropologi vid Malmö Universitet som forskat om politisk islam och religiös identitet, tycker inte att koranstudier kan
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Islam under slöjan - Nils Dacke
4.b Trosförnekandet (Taqiyya doktrinen). Falskhet och lgn r tillten och uppmuntras (taqiyya doktrinen) Det r tilltet fr en muslim att ljuga och bedra om det tjnar eller skyddar islam. ”Islam under slöjan” försöker på ett kortfattat sätt Är de en utstuderad taqiyya (en metod i islam för att dölja källmaterial som fram till dess hade beskrivit islam, muslimer och islamisk Historiska exempel på al-taqiyya inlemmar tillåtelse att förneka själva Islam för att alltså använda Taqiyya som Koranen beordrar Muslimer att göra. Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve.
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The 28th verse of the third sura (chapter) says that, out of fear of Allah (God), believers should not show preference in friendship to unbelievers “unless to safeguard yourselves against them.” Taqiyya is very prevalent in Islamic politics, especially in the modern era.” (Specific references to taqiyya in the Quran, the Hadith, and in Islamic law, can be found here.) The “Taqiyya” Meme: No Support For Taqiyya In The Qur’an Some strains of Christianity and the so-called Far Right bandy about the accusation of “taqiyya” against anyone referencing Islam.
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19 Jul 2012 Allah (swt) endorses taqiyah in the Qur'an, and He would never endorse The other instance where taqiyah is mentioned in the Quran is 3:28. Taqiyya (Islam) Eine weitere Ausführung zur Taqiyya findet sich in der berühmten Exegese (Tafsir) von al-Tabari (gest.923), welche die standardisierte und Al-Taqiyya is drawn explicitly from the words of Muhammad, and from the examples he and his successors set. The Qur'an and other Islamic books condone lying, Meaning of Taqiyyah. Taqiyyah is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “ God-conscious”, “God-fearing”.
Now What is Taqiyya? Does Islam encourage American Muslims to deceive and lie?